As a silage farmer, one issue that you constantly face is soils compacted by heavy equipment and trucks during harvest. Soil compaction can cause a decline in affected areas by more than 50%! The good news is that there is finally a cost effective solution, FIXatioN Balansa Clover.
FIXatioN Balansa Clover features a tap root that delves down more than 30 inches during the winter and early spring. The aggressive nature of its below ground growth during the offseason breaks up the hard pans, creates channels for improved water percolation and opens up airways in the soil which leads to increased microbial growth.
The taproots mine the soil below the corn root zone and bring phosphorous and potassium to the surface making these nutrients available to the following crop. Phosphorous and potassium that is in the plant material will not leach into nearby waterways, it stays on your farm. The roots of FIXatioN are not only excellent miners, but they also excel in nitrogen scavenging and creation. Nitrogen that is stable and stays where you need it. In recent studies across the corn belt at leading universities, it has been shown that FIXatioN can provide a nutrient return of more than $100 per acre!
Another advantage of FIXatioN is its impressive ability to create vast quantities of highly nutritious, digestible forage. How much? More than 40 tons of greenchop per acre. Crude proteins of more than 22% coupled with high levels of water soluble carbohydrates will put more milk in the tank of dairy farmers and higher daily weight gains on other livestock.
No longer is it more economical to leave the ground fallow in the winter.

Balansa clover increases ADG of cattle and forage biomass in recent study. Click HERE to read the recent article as seen in Mississippi Cattlemen’s Magazine.
Livestock and wildlife love FIXatioN for its excellent palatability and digestibility! It is ideal for forage because it is nutrient dense and produces Bio-Massive yields. With FIXatioN’s high crude protein levels and relative feed value, you will see better gains and healthier animals.
Capable of producing as much as 96,000lbs of extremely digestible GREEN forage PER ACRE!

Visit our forage blog to read more about FIXatioN!
Watch this Hereford eat left-over FIXatioN straw like it’s candy.
- RFV as high as 277
- Crude protein up to 28.4
- 5,250 lbs/acre dry matter
Due to the large amounts of biomass produced, FIXatioN performs best for hay when blended with small grains or grasses. When sown with grains or grasses we recommend that the grasses or grains be sown at 60-70% of their normal rate and FIXatioN to be seeded at 5-8 lbs per acre.
It is important to note that during the first stage of development, most of FIXatioN’s growth is occurring below the surface of the soil. The plant needs to establish its robust root system to support vigorous top growth that occurs later. In the northern states, the clover will remain dormant in the winter. When ambient temperatures warm up in the spring, the Bio-Massive™ growth begins.
FIXatioN is a favorite of deer, elk, game birds and even waterfowl. FIXatioN should be seeded 45 days prior to the hunting period in most cases. FIXatioN is recommended for use with radishes, oats, and Frosty berseem clover. FIXatioN is the most tolerant clover when it comes to flourishing in a wide range of soil types such as, low pH, wet soils, negative temperatures, or partial shade. FIXatioN will thrive in typical challenging soil conditions. It will also continue to produce large amounts of highly nutritious forage long after hunting season is over. This will lead to larger, healthier wildlife in the following year and will make your favorite hunting spot their favorite food source as well.

Serious deer manager, Chris Herring, shares his experiences with FIXatioN.
“As a serious deer manager, I am always searching for the best nutritional forages to supplement my deer herd. I have made a proven and definite find for one of the best deer forages that I have ever used. It’s Fixation Balansa Clover.”
Continue reading Chris’: BLOG
The graph below represents the amount of forage biomass accumulated from January 14 – April 22, 2016
A trial conducted on MSU (Mississippi State University) Demonstration Property “Led by Bronson Strickland, MSU Deer Lab”

A single plant can have over 100 flowers. Its pollen contains 27-29% protein (dry weight) producing a light-colored honey with a very distinct and pleasing flavor. The pollen produced by balansa clover has been documented to meet all the dietary needs of European honeybees, one of the few clover species to do so.

We use a lot of white clover, but 4 to 1 the bees prefer FIXatioN and they worked it really well. It’s really building the soil and there are more blooms than anything I have ever planted.
“Warren Newman, Bee Keeper from Salem, AR”


FIXatioN is ideal for pasture since it is a re-seeding annual clover. Fall sown FIXatioN will grow rapidly during the spring flush of cool-season grasses. As the growth rate of the cool-season grasses diminish, so will that of FIXatioN. If re-seeding is desired, livestock should be removed in June and the clover should be allowed to flower. The clover will then die off prior to the stressful summer period, releasing nitrogen for your grass. As an added benefit, the grass roots can follow the channels created by the decaying clover tap roots, allowing them access to moisture that otherwise would be unavailable. In the fall, when conditions are optimal, the seed produced will germinate and the cycle will begin again. It is important to note that it may be necessary to re-seed if flower production is lacking.

FIXatioN is excellent for over seeding warm-season grasses. When continuously grazed, FIXatioN will continue to produce tillers and improve the overall quality. FIXatioN is the best annual clover for Southern pastures featuring wet soils or soils with low pH. FIXatioN will easily transition out in the late spring, allowing the warm-season grasses to get a quick start in greening back up. The nitrogen created by FIXatioN will give the warm-season grasses a boost in vigor. This means quicker fill-in, fewer weeds, and improved forage yields.